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Friday 22 November 2019

HIV/AIDS:What is HIV and AIDS?Symptoms of HIV infaction,Testing,condoms,medicine.


HIV/AIDS(acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) was first identified in the early 1980’s. Since then the number of people infected with HIV has increased rapidly throughout the world. HIV/AIDS has become the most widely talked about condition in history. However, each day more and more people are becoming infected.

We do not use what we know is right to protect ourselves from infection with the virus. To make matters worse, many people are infected with HIV, yets don't have an HIV test to find out their status so they can get help and support. The key is information and action. The first step is to find out whether you are living with HIV or not. If you are living with HIV, you can get information about how to stay healthy as well as how to protect yourself and your loved ones. If you are not living with HIV, you can get information about how to remain that way.There are many wrong ideas about HIV/AIDS.Many individuals believe HIV does not exist,condoms do not work, that only certain people are at risk of HIV infections, that HIV cann't be treated, that there is a cure or that you can become infected through food, water, toilets, showers and pools etc. This booklet aims to help you understand HIV/AIDS more clearly by answering some of the questions that you may have and provide you with information on HIV/AIDS always the Aid for AIDS programmed that is available to members living with HIV of contracted medical schemes and companies.If left untreated, HIV can progress to a serious, disabling disease, however today there are many treatments available to ensure a long and healthy life. HIV/AIDS can be treated and there is a lot of that canbe done to improve yours health if diagnosed early. Medications can reduce the virus while vitamins, good nutrition, and  exercise can play a critical role in keeping your body strong and healthy.

"The key is: information and action"

What is HIV and AIDS? 

What is HIV? 

HIV (Human Immuno Deficiency Virus) is a infection that enters blood. In HIV constructive individuals, the infection can be found in the blood, sex liquids (for example, sperm and vaginal liquids) and bosom milk. HIV is too little to even think about seeing with the eye. 

What does HIV do? 

HIV assaults and in the long run crushes the body's insusceptible framework. The invulnerable framework resembles your body's military. It typically battles germs, diseases, microscopic organisms and infections that would make you wiped out. The body can't guard itself against germs, diseases, microscopic organisms and infections when this "military" gets frail. 

What is AIDS? 

HIV causes AIDS (Acquired Immuno Deficiency Disorder). HIV gradually harms the resistant framework (the military) on the off chance that it gets into an individual's body. This implies the body begins to lose its capacity to guard itself against germs, contaminations and microorganisms, for example, TB. At the point when the invulnerable framework is feeble, you are defenseless to specific sicknesses like pneumonia and TB. This procedure may take numerous years to occur. You are then said to have AIDS. An individual becomes ill when HIV has pulverized the majority of his/her resistant framework. This can take numerous years to occur. Numerous individuals accept that HIV/AIDS isn't genuine. They imagine that it is a story to unnerve individuals to use condoms and quit engaging in sexual relations. In any case, numerous individuals have HIV in their bodies and numerous have as of now passed on of an AIDS-related disorder. 

What will AIDS do? 

An individual living with AIDS turns out to be extremely frail what's more, can become ill from a wide range of germs. These germs can cause issues, for example, getting in shape, awful looseness of the bowels, injuries in the mouth, hack, pneumonia, TB, cerebrum and nerve ailment, swellings, fevers and injuries. These try not to show signs of improvement all alone as a result of a lack in the resistant framework. Taking prescription can assist you with becoming better.

"Find out the medication to treat HIV"

How is HIV spread?

HIV is spread in the accompanying manners: 

1. Sex 
HIV can be founds in the semen and vaginal liquids of an individual who is HIV positive. He or on the other hand she can pass HIV onto someone else through unprotected sex (not utilizing a condom) vaginal, oral or butt-centric sex. 
2. Pregnancy 
HIV might be passed onto a child from a HIV positive mother. Not all HIV positive moms bring forth indulges that are HIV positive. The danger of giving HIV to the infants increments if the mother is wiped out with an AIDS ailment or if the mother gets contaminated with HIV during pregnancy. 
HIV can be passed to the infant during: 

• The pregnancy 
• At the hour of conveyance 
• In bosom milk 

Numerous ladies just discover they have HIV at the point when they fall pregnant. At this point the unborn youngster is in danger of getting HIV. The odds of HIV going from mother to youngster are somewhere in the range of 20 and 40% during pregnancy what's more, at the hour of conveyance. The danger of disease increments if the mother bosom encourages. There are currently prescriptions accessible to help decrease the spread of HIV to the child. 
3. Blood 
HIV can go starting with one individual then onto the next through their blood. Now and again wiped out individuals are given additional blood through a blood transfusion. In South Africa blood transfusions are protected in light of the fact that blood is tried before it is given to debilitated individuals. HIV can be passed on in limited quantities of blood, for instance when individuals share extremely sharp steels which are not cleaned appropriately. HIV can likewise be passed on by infusing drugs what's more, sharing needles. 
Individuals most in danger of this occurrence are: 

• Injecting drug clients 
• Doctors and medical caretakers treating patients with HIV 

HIV can likewise be passed on when taking care of blood without gloves, for example after a mishap, as this blood may contains the HIV germs that could enter through cuts and open injuries. "Address Aid for AIDS or your nearby well being laborer" Are there some other ways I can get HIV? HIV is for the most part spread through unprotected blood and getting blood tainted with the infection. It can likewise be spread during pregnancy, birth and bosom bolstering.

Doctors agree that you can't get HIV from: 

• Eating nourishment arranged by somebody with HIV 
• Sharing cups, mugs, plates, nourishment, spoons, 
forks, and so on 

• Doorhandles or rails • Sneezing or hacking • Tears or salivation • Toilet seats 
• Holding or shaking hands • Mosquitoes • Swimming pools or showers • Working or going to class with somebody who is HIV positive • Donating blood • Living with somebody who has HIV • Being alongside or near somebody who has HIV • Kissing, embracing or contacting 

Who can get contaminated? 

A few people feel that HIV/AIDS is a malady that lone influences certain individuals. HIV/AIDS influences everybody, regardless of what age gathering, race, sexual orientation, religion, confidence, culture, nationality or sexuality. On the off chance that you have been presented to HIV, there is an opportunity that you have gotten tainted. 

"The best way to know whether you have HIV is to have a HIV test"

Symptoms of HIV infaction

What are the Symptoms of HIV disease? 
Inside a month or two of getting tainted with HIV, numerous individuals (however not all) can create influenza like side effects, swollen organs or on the other hand a rash. These manifestations normally leave inside two or three weeks, and an individual can look and feel well for a long time before the 
manifestations return. This period when you look and feel well can last five to seven years or longer in grown-ups what's more, two to five years or longer in kids brought into the world with HIV. As HIV keeps on assaulting theinsusceptible framework, the sicknesses begin to appearonce more. 

What will happen when somebody with HIV becomes ill? 
It can take numerous years for HIV to make you debilitated. At the point when you begin to feel wiped out due to genuine diseases, it implies that you may have AIDS. Some early signs include: difficult skin rashes (shingles), injuries on the lips which don't recuperate, thrush (a white rash inside the mouth or on the private parts), growing in the neck, behind the ear, under the arm and in the crotch. Signs and indications of TB incorporate hacks, perspiring and weight reduction, fevers and perspiring around evening time, just as extended organs. 

 "The sooner you are tried, the better" 
Later indications of AIDS You can likewise build up any of the accompanying issues when you become exceptionally ill with AIDS: TB, terrible hack and fever (pneumonia), 'pins what's more, needles' and torments in the hands and feet, loose bowels that doesn't stop, shortcoming also, tiredness, tumors on the skin, losing weight, cerebral pains, seizure, power outages, misfortune of memory, trouble in concentrating and trouble in gulping.

Testing for HIV

In what manner will I realize that I have HIV? 
You can look and feel sound for quite a long time when you initially have HIV in your body. There is as it were one approach to see if you are living with HIV - by having a HIV test. Would it be a good idea for me to have a HIV test? Discovering as right on time as conceivable in the wake of being tainted with HIV is significant. Along these lines you can find support and abstain from spreading HIV without knowing it. 
For what reason must I have a HIV test? 
• Knowing the outcome can lessen the pressure also, vulnerability of not knowing. 
• Your PCP or center will have the option to tell you if stressing signs and side effects are HIV/AIDS-related. 
• There is help accessible to you in the event that you are HIV positive, one being through Aid for         AIDS. Get in touch with them on 0860 100 646 for additional data. 
• You can't lose your employment since you are HIV positive – there are laws to secure you. 
• You can change your way of life to ensure sexual accomplices from future contaminations, so that       you don't contaminate your sexual accomplice with the infection without knowing. 
• Decisions about having youngsters or entering into new connections can be considered. 
• A great deal should be possible to assist you with driving a solid, typical life and delayed down the time to creating AIDS if HIV is found right on time (before becoming ill) in your blood. 
• If you are HIV positives and registers with Helps for AIDS, endorsement can be gives
for multivitamins and safeguard inoculations to assist you with staying solid. 

How would I have a HIV test? 
You ought to go to a center on the off chance that you are thinking about having a HIV test. The well being laborer ought to plunk down and converse with you about the test. You can choose whether or not to have the test. Nobody can drive you to have a HIV 

test – it is your decision. 
On the off chance that you choose to test, the wellbeing specialist will take a blood or salivation (spit) test. This will be checked for HIV antibodies, which are made by the invulnerable framework not long after you are tainted. A portion of the tests will give the outcomes inside a few moments, however different tests should be sent away to get the outcomes. On the off chance that your test has been sent away you should visit the wellbeing specialist around multi week later to get the outcome. 
On the off chance that antibodies are discovered you have a 'positive test' and are contaminated with HIV. This is the reason individuals living with HIV are regularly called 'HIV positive'. 

What are my privileges? 
You need to choose whether to go for the test. No one, not by any means a specialist or your boss, has the privilege to compel you to have the test without your authorization. The test outcome is
wellbeing specialist to tell another person the outcome without your authorization. It is significant that the wellbeing laborer clarifies the significance of the test to you so you can choose in the event that you need it. 

  "Help for AIDS can support you lead a solid, ordinary life"

Should I have guiding when going for a HIV test? 

Taking a HIV test is close to home and the test result can be hard to deal with. It is essential to get guiding to plan yourself for the test outcome. Attempt a neighborhood guiding focus, or your neighborhood ATICC (AIDS Preparing, Information and Counseling Center), on the off chance that you don't have the foggiest idea where to discover one. 

Imagine a scenario where my HIV test is sure. 
• You are tainted with HIV. 
• You can spread it to your sexual accomplices if you have risky sex. 
• You should consistently utilize a condom on the off chance that you engage in sexual relations. 
• It is essential to tell sexual accomplices that you are HIV positive. Talk about this with       a advisorwellbeing laborer. 
• You should not give blood. Pregnant ladies who are HIV positive may contaminate their infants. Not all infants will be contaminated with HIV. HIV can likewise be passed on during bosom nourishing. The test can't tell when you got the disease or when you will become ill. 

Imagine a scenario where the HIV test is negative. 
• No HIV has been recognized in your blood. 
• You might not have HIV if the test is negative. 
Be that as it may, it might be important to test once more. You could be in the 'window period', which is the time between when you are tainted with HIV and the tests utilized by specialists and centers become positive. This is generally two 
to about a month. 

"In the event that you are HIV negative, guard yourself from HIV in the future.The key is to remain negative!"

Preventing the spread of HIV

How would I prevent myself from being contaminated with HIV? 

"There is no solution for HIV. When an individual has HIV, they will stay tainted for the rest of their life. In this manner forestalling the spread is the most significant method for controlling HIV." 

The accompanying activities will anticipate the spread of HIV: 
• Protected sex – with a condom, utilized accurately. 
• Sex without infiltration – this is the point at which a man's penis doesn't enter the lady's vagina or rear-end. This is additionally protected sex. Sex can be a way of demonstrating love yet not by any means the only way. You can likewise show love by kissing, contacting and holding one another. 
• You can have sexual peak without infiltration by scouring the individual's genitals with hands or fingers. 
• It is critical to lessen the quantity of various sexual accomplices. 
• New connections – you should utilize a condom. Both of you ought to go for a HIV test before you quit utilizing condoms. It is protected to have intercourse without security if both HIV tests are negative. This implies you are both free of HIV. 
• Remember that the two accomplices must remain in an explicitly devoted association with just one another, generally the sex will never again be safe. This is an unwavering relationship. Forestalling the spread of HIV .

Sexually Transmitted Infections

How would I get my accomplice to consent to have ensured sex? 
One reason why HIV is spreading so quick is that numerous individuals would prefer not to talk about sex. The key here is correspondence. You ought to have open discourses about having an HIV test, utilizing condoms, being loyal and the risks of risky sex. Discourse about sex and associations with your accomplice needs to occur on the off chance that you will shield yourself from HIV. In the event that you are uncertain of how to manage this, contact the National AIDS Helpline, your nearby ATICC (AIDS, Training, Information and 
Advising Center) or Aid for AIDS. 

"Have open chats with your accomplice" 

I've heard that Sexually Transmitted Contaminations can build the opportunity of disease? 

Explicitly Transmitted Infections (STIs) are any infection gave from one individual to another during sex. Gonorrhea, the drop, syphilis and herpes are STIs. An individual with a STI may have a release or wounds on their genitals. This makes it simpler for the HIV to get into blood and the body during sex. STIs can be exceptionally perilous and can cause terrible diseases and HIV can get into your body what's more, blood all the more effectively through broken skin if you as of now have a STI. 

How would I know whether I have a Sexually Transmitted Infection? 
You may have the accompanying issues: 
• Sores on your private parts or rear-end 
• White, yellow or green release from your penis or vagina 
• Pain in the lower stomach 
• Burning or torment when heading off to the can 
• Itching or redness around the private parts 
• Painful sex 
• Pain in the gonads 
• Swelling in the crotch 
It is significant that you have a STI treated. Facilities and specialists can treat STIs with tablets or then again with an infusion. Treatment of STIs generally works rapidly. 
" STIs are passed on during unprotected sex"


"Condom are the most important way the preventing the spread of HIV"

The right technique for utilizing a male condom: 
Try not to utilize things like plastic packs on the off chance that you can't get a condom. They are risky. Just utilize each condom in turn generally the two of them will tear. Condoms are one of the most significant ways to forestall the spread of HIV, whenever utilized effectively. The condom may bomb in counteracting STI and HIV transmission if: 
• It is torn 
• It sneaks off during sexual contact 
• It isn't put onto the penis effectively, or it is not put on before sexual contact starts Both male and female condoms (femidoms) are accessible. 
• Use another condom each time you have vaginal, butt-centric or oral sex. 
• Before utilizing the condom ensure it has not lapsed and that it isn't harmed. 
• Handle the condom cautiously. Try not to tear it with your finger nails or teeth. 
• Unroll the condom a little on your finger to see what direction it will unroll. 
• Before sex starts, put a condom onto your hard penis. Force the prepuce down first if you are not circumcised. 
• Before putting on the condom, press thetip so no air is caught. 
• Roll the condom down over your penis so that the entire penis is secured with the condom. 
• Use water-based oils just (for example KY jam) as oil-based greases, similar to Vaseline oil jam, will debilitate the condom. 
• After sex, haul the penis out of your accomplice before it gets delicate. Hold the base of the 
condom firmly with the goal that it doesn't sneak off. 
• Carefully take the condom off your penis Be mindful so as not to let any liquid hole from 
the condom. 
• Tie the condom and discard it. Put it inside some paper first, on the off chance that you can. 
• Do not wash or reuse the condom. 
• If the condom breaks during sex, pull back the penis right away 

Facts abouts condoms

Try not to utilize things like plastic packs on the off chance that you can't get a condom. They are risky. Just utilize each condom in turn generally the two of them will tear. Condoms are one of the most significant ways to forestall the spread of HIV, whenever utilized effectively. The condom may bomb in forestalling STI and HIV transmission if: • It is torn 
 • It sneaks off during sexual contact 
 • It isn't put onto the penis accurately, or it is 
not put on before sexual contact starts Both male and female condoms (femidoms) are accessible 

Living with HIV/AIDS 

"Remain Healthy!" 

I have heard that you can't treat individuals who have HIV or AIDS? What should I do to 
remain solid in the event that I am HIV positive? 

Despite the fact that there is no solution for HIV, there is a part that should be possible to lead a solid and 'typical' life. Great therapeutic consideration and cleanliness can do a ton to keep individuals well for a long time and protract the time before you get wiped out and create AIDS. 
• Register on the Aid for AIDS program if you are an individual from a contracted restorative plan or organization (they are there to help you). Contact the program on 0860 100 646. 
• Stay working and dynamic for whatever length of time that conceivable. 
• Have secured or safe sex (effectively utilizing a condom). 
• Visit the specialist or medical clinic for standard check ups. 
• Eat great nourishment and remain solid for as long as could be allowed. Improve your way of life by keeping sound, counting: 
• Exercise routinely. 
• Eat a sound adjusted eating routine (vegetables, beans, eggs and organic product). 
• Stop smoking and maintain a strategic distance from liquor. (These things make your body feeble so it is simpler for HIV to get solid and you to get AIDS prior.) 
• Medication can help hinder HIV, the sickness and to forestall diseases. 
• Get enough rest and diminish feelings of anxiety. 
• Take multivitamins. 
• Drink loads of water.
HIV medicines/Antiretroviral Therapy (ART)
What drugs would i be able to take to forestall ailments? 
Meds can be utilized to anticipate sicknesses that you can get when you have HIV. These prescriptions are known as immunizations and prophylaxis (anticipation). It is significant that 
you see your primary care physician routinely so diseases can be found and treated. Shouldn't something be said about drugs to assault the infection? New prescriptions can help delayed down the sickness. These meds are called 'antiretrovirals' and, whenever taken accurately, can diminish the measure of HIV in the blood. When a few of these medications are utilized together, they are progressively powerful and permit the invulnerable framework to mend. This implies it will take longer for an individual with HIV to get AIDS and will help keep them out of clinic. 

In spite of the fact that there is no solution for HIV, there are prescriptions accessible that treat HIV very successfully. There are different ailments which can likewise be dealt with and not relieved, similar to sugar diabetes or hypertension. HIV ought to be viewed as another interminable treatable ailment. It isn't important to begin taking HIV drugs when you discover that you are HIV positive. Many individuals with HIV stay sound and well for quite a while without treatment. At the point when HIV gets into your body, it assaults your insusceptible framework. The insusceptible framework will become more fragile and more fragile and in the long run won't have the option to fend off some other contaminations. It can take various years before the safe framework is this feeble. CD4 tallies and viral burdens Your PCP will gauge your CD4 tally (the wellbeing of your resistant framework) and viral load (the measure of infection in your blood) to decide the phase of the infection which you are at and to help choose the best time to start treatment. When your invulnerable framework is feeble or in the event that you are having genuine side effects, it is important to begin taking HIV medications. Antiretrovirals The meds which are utilized to treat HIV are called antiretrovirals (ART). There are three various classes of antiretroviral meds. Your primary care physician will generally utilize three meds from two unique classes to treat your HIV. The drugs don't dispose of HIV, however they bring down the measure of HIV in your blood and the HIV is subsequently not ready to do to such an extent harm to the resistant framework. Antiretroviral treatment has the accompanying benefits: 

• The medications will build the length of your life. 
• The medications will improve the nature of your life. 
• The medications will diminish the opportunity of you getting frightful diseases in light of the fact that your safe framework is too frail also ward off the diseases. 
• The prescriptions will support your CD4 check what's more, make your insusceptible framework more grounded. 
• The medications will diminish your viral burden. Less infection in the blood implies less harm to the insusceptible framework. HIV prescriptions/Antiretroviral Treatment (ART) 

"When you are on antiretroviral prescriptions, your primary care physician will do blood tests to ensure that the meds are boosting the CD4 tally and diminishing the viral burden. It is important to return to your primary care physician for these tests"
Taking your prescriptions effectively 

For antiretrovirals to work appropriately it is very significant that they are taken effectively. You must make sure to take each portion of your prescriptions consistently. In the event that you miss prescriptions, the HIV will get impervious to that prescription and your treatment should be changed. (Medication opposition can happen in the event that you try not to take your prescriptions appropriately, they will work less well against your infection). As there are a few unique classes of antiretrovirals, it is conceivable to change a couple of meds, however Changing medications It is here and there important to make changes to your treatment. A portion of the antiretrovirals may not 'concur with' you and you may understanding symptoms. On the off chance that any of your medications are making you feel unwell, you ought to talk about this with your primary care physician. In the event that the reaction isn't excessively serious, your primary care physician may support you to keep taking the prescriptions. The side impact may show signs of improvement (or vanish through and through) after you have been on the prescription for a short time. Now and again it might be important for your primary care physician to transform you to an alternate antiretroviral due to symptoms. 

treatment can get troublesome if the patient is impervious to many meds. You in this way need to expect to take your medications precisely as recommended by your primary care physician. Beginning antiretroviral treatment is a significant choice and requires a great deal of duty. On the off chance that you are not certain that you are prepared to adapt to treatment, you ought to talk about this straightforwardly with your primary care physician as it might be smarter to hold up a minimal longer before beginning treatment. Your primary care physician will likewise do certain blood tests to check if the medications are having any terrible impacts on your body. Your PCP will tell you when to return for blood tests. It is essential to return to your primary care physician routinely for these tests so any side impacts can be gotten rapidly. It might likewise become important to change your meds since the HIV has gotten impervious to the medications (this can happen regardless of whether you are taking the medications effectively). Your PCP will at that point change the entirety of your medication.

HIV negative children 

A HIV positive mother can give HIV to her child during pregnancy, while conceiving an offspring or by breastfeeding her child. It is conceivable to keep a child from being brought into the world with HIV by treating the mother with antiretrovirals during her pregnancy. The mother is normally given medications throughout the previous not many months of her pregnancy and the child is given prescriptions for the initial barely any long stretches of life. The suggestion is to either breastfeed only or bottle feed. Presentation to HIV On the off chance that you are HIV negative and you come into contact with HIV (for model, on the off chance that you are assaulted or prick yourself with a needle with HIV positive blood on it), you can lessen your odds of turning out to be tainted by taking antiretrovirals for a brief timeframe after the episode. You have to begin taking the antiretrovirals as not long after the introduction as could be expected under the circumstances. If it's not too much trouble contact your primary care physician quickly in the event that you believe that you have been presented to HIV. 

On the off chance that you might want to converse with somebody about HIV/AIDS or HIV drugs, 
if you don't mind contact your primary care physician or Aid for AIDS for counsel. The Aid for AIDS bolster administration is accessible Monday to Friday among 8:30am and 
4:00pm on the phone number: 0860 100 646. 
Some people say they have a ‘cure’ for HIV/AIDS, is this true?

There is no remedy for HIV at this stage, however it tends to be dealt with very well whenever found early. Other wellbeing conditions like diabetes, asthma or hypertension can likewise be controlled however not relieved.


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